Monday, November 23, 2009


Sorry for being out of touch recently...internet connection has been a bit hit and miss. This pass weekend some friends and I went caving just a few minutes North of Mae Sot. It consisted of a 20 minute walk up stairs to the mouth and then we hiked in the caves for a couple of hours. Absolutely beautiful. So big and seemingly untouched by tourists as we were the only ones walking in hundreds and hundreds of feet of open caves. Come visit and I can show you!


  1. Caves - didn't expect that. Glad you enjoyed them but they freak me out (I'm claustrophobic to the max). So, I'm happy to look at them via your camera lense :)

  2. Dude, you're supposed to tell your doctor (or med student) the whole truth. I think I would have recommended the Japanese encephalitis vaccine if I knew of this!
    Great talking today! Thanks for the update.
    Love you

  3. oh SNAP! "the descent" come to mind? ;) looks like you're having fun!

  4. As always, the flower picture is my favorite :) But the rest are terrific too! You look like you're on Survivor or something...unreal :)

  5. Yeah i'm pretty sure this is where they filmed the Descent!!
